Welcome to Mermaid's Purse Blog. This is for all Mermaids on land or sea who Love, Love, Sea Glass. These translucent baubles are yesterdays items transformed to true treasures of the sea. The allure of Sea Glass is in the history, science and appearance. Check back often to learn as I learn about Sea Glass. We'll journey together over shores and time, tides and currents, searching for the perfect pieces. Fair Winds and Calm Seas. Deborah Leon.....artist/collector

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas and Sea Glass





This month is dedicated to the things and people that make my life special at Christmas and all through the year. Besides the obvious like family and friends I am surrounded by unique, simple and wondrous things that make my life blessed.

My Favorite Baristas

Before heading out to do Sea Glass Hunting my 1st stop is Starbucks

to get a Mocha…not just a mocha…but a complicated delicious mocha.

These 3 cheerful baristas: Robert, Ricardo and Willa make my life special.

I know about them and they know about me, genuine caring and glad to see me.

They make life simple for anyone who picks up a mocha for me…you just need to ask for Deborah’s mocha…they know how it goes.

Thank You!!!!

Robert, Ricardo and Willa

Merry Christmas and God Bless You

Here it goes……



5 pump Mocha

Extra Hot

Stirred After the Milk


Check the Sea Glass Jewelry Gallery for new pieces for Christmas.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector


Friday, October 22, 2010

Hobbit Size...Sea Glass


Hobbit Size and Adorable

I’m in Love with these tiny, teeny, wintzy, chiquita pieces of Sea Glass!!

Too small for drilling and wrapping…what should I do?


Here’s a closer view

Hobbit size, orange, red and lavender Sea Glass

Olive, blues and aquas...yes, Hobbit size

Olives, blues and aquas...yes, Hobbit size

One more

Limes, citron, honey and rootbeer

Makes me wish I were a miniature fairy or mermaid.

Help me figure out how to make Sea Glass Jewelry with these mini pieces.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector

If you haven’t yet…sign up for my 5 part series on Sea Glass

Some good things are still FREE!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Christmas Sea Glass Project



Ever wonder what to do with those pieces of Sea Glass that aren’t jewelry grade?

Found this great Christmas Tree surfing the web.

Such a fantastic idea, can’t wait to get started on my own

Sea Glass Christmas Tree.

Christmas Tree of Sea Glass and Pearls w Starfish Topper, Green

The form is Styrofoam and industrial glue was used to piece on the Sea Glass, pearls and Star Fish…..Imagine how this would look in white Sea Glass.

Thanks to beachgrasscottage for the idea.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector


Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Star isn't Always Sea Glass


Sea Glass

is Trumped


Bottom side of Sea Star

Top Side of Sea Star

In the pursuit of Sea Glass I oft come across other treasures that causes my focus on Sea Glass to fade to the background….This is one of them.

Feeling like a little girl seeing a Sea Star ( I still like Star Fish) for the 1st time. Just gotta touch and admire til I’m satisfied.

Happy Hunting to my Beach Combing Friends.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector


Friday, October 8, 2010

Sea Glass - Ruby Red

Sea Glass Hunting

A New High

Ruby Red

Makes my Day

Ruby Red Sea Glass - 1" x 1"

I think I’ve found favor with the Sea Glass God. Traversing over stones and rocks can be a challenge with a blown out ACL but I do it hoping to find that PRIZE.

For us hounds that do everything but sniff out Sea Glass, the Ruby Red Sea Glass is one of the ultimate finds. Up to this point I’ve found Red Sea Glass in pebble size so you can imagine my unbelief and amazement when I found a 1″ x 1″ piece.

This beauty was tucked in between rocks and was black in appearance…it took 3 looks at it squating lower each time til finally deciding to pick it up to take a look.

I actually thought it was Black Glass: holding it to the sun fully expecting to see an amber or olive colour…the gasp said it all. I Scored :)

This season is starting out with great potential. To all my Sea Glass friends, good luck and may the Sea Glass God smile on you too.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mermaid's Purse - Traveling Sea Glass

Talk about traveling SEA GLASS !!

I would love to have seen these bottles after traveling over distance and time.

Enjoy the Story

Last year, a high school student named Corey Swearingen put a letter in a bottle, sealed it up, and dropped it in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Florida coast. It was kind of an experiment for school. In the letter, he appealed to whomever came across the bottle to contact him and let him know where in the world it showed up. Amazingly, someone did.

Click to Finish reading story

Now Imagine…..

Where has this Sea Glass traveled?

If only it could speak

Surf the Gallery for your own piece of History and Allure

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sea Glass Jewelry "Estate of Grace"

Mermaid’s Purse
Sea Glass Jewelry

Deep Treasure Brought Back To Life

Sea Glass Jewelry an “Estate of Grace”

Gracefully Reshaped, Resurfaced with frost and Re-purposed for New Life

As Fine Crafted Wearable Art

What was she before..how old could she be..from where could she have traveled

The Allure of Sea Glass is Irresistible!

Want One?

Need One?

Commissions Welcome



Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sea Glass Jewelry - Pink Champagne

Pink Champagne Sea Glass

This Beauty was found on the coast of central California by a friend

New owner and home is in Rhode Island.

Such a Rare Sea Glass color!

Pink Champagen Sea Glass

Champagne in a Glass

Champagne Pink Sea Glass Pendant

Custom Orders are Welcome

I have other great colors of Sea Glass just waiting

Deborah Leon artist/collector




Monday, June 28, 2010

Holy Sister - SEA GLASS

Look What I Found While Looking for


My Camera Shy Friends Looking for Sea Glass in Carpenteria

A rare outing for these lovely women

enjoying the beach and looking for Sea Glass

Took a little coaxing to get this one of a kind pic.

Thank you ladies and God Bless

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sea Glass de la Fiesta

This Looks like a Mexican Sea Glass Celebration

Let’s Party!

The above is a photo shoot for a friend of their amber, green and gold Sea Glass found in Central California.

Rico Suave!!

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Nights & Sea Glass Jewelry

Sea Glass Jewelry
for Hot Summer Nights

Taking Custom Orders

White Sea Glass & Turquoise Summer Necklace

Deborah Leon designer/collector




Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Seaglass..A TREASURE amongst treasures


Meet Roberta Hickey

Sea Glass Enthusiast Extraordinaire

Authoress of

American Mom Blog

I’ve mentioned before one of my favorite things about looking for Sea Glass are the people I meet along the way. If you plug in Google Search Words like Sea Glass and all the variations thereof you will get daily emails of what is out there and thus begins the dive into cyber space of meeting others who are into sea glass. THIS is how I met Roberta Hickey.

Leaving comments on blogs is a common practice and getting a response back is like getting a letter in the mail…a treat.

Roberta is very knowledgeable about Sea Glass and shares freely what she discovers and knows. She is also very fortunate in that her local beaches provide incredible finds, the mermaids are working overtime tossing their tears at her feet.

Roberta is also providing her insights and experiences of a journey interwoven with her Sea Glass escapades. In our communications back and forth we discovered we also have something else in common “Pancreatic Cancer”. This nearly took my breath away.

My Mom was taken home 3 years ago after living 7 months longer than the Doctors gave her after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

This is where Roberta is at ….living in that area that is a gift of time beyond reason.

In reading her blog American Mom, I’m taken in by how interesting she is, well spoken and her ability to convey all arrays of emotion, be vulnerable yet steady as a rock and find myself wishing I lived next door to her.

Roberta is a treasure amongst treasures….I thought for a while I’d keep her to myself but then after the greed fell to the ground I knew that she must be shared as all treasure should be.

I find comfort in talking about the illness and walking with her. We are connected for a reason and I’ll just leave that to the Lord as to how that plays out. I’m encouraged by her rallies from treatments to continue to live life as she loves it with such an amazing spirit. She is generous to a fault with her time, posessions and heart.

Meet and visit my friend Roberta, find for yourself the treasure she is….You’ll be better for it.

When you visit tell her I said Hi and give her xoxoxo’s for me.

Mermaid’s Tears are often the telescope through which men see into heaven.


Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Monday, April 19, 2010

Mermaid's Purse sends a big Thank You!




Saturday, April 17 was clean up day at Hermosa Beach sponsored by Mermaid’s Purse. When we got to the pier there was a flurry of activity going on and we fit right in. Spyder Surf put on Surf Fest 3. All the top Surf sponsors were there, Billabong, Volcom, Roxy, Reef, Rip Curl, Quick Silver, Surf Riders, etc. There was a high school surf competition, bands, volley ball, beach tennis and of course the all important CLEAN UP…YEAY.

I’m so proud to say that the teenagers, our future keepers of this earth made a strong showing. Outfitted with trash bags and disposable gloves we dispersed to do our thing..collect trash.

Yes….SEA GLASS was amongst the trash picked up, but of course it never made its way into a trash bag, the Sea Glass was safely tucked onto the lining of pockets to be shown after.

Helping to clean were young surfers, Boy Scouts, students serving to get community service credit, Moms, an attorney and more importantly great attitudes and fantastic workers.

Penny found a styling piece of emerald green Sea Glass from a bottle neck. She also found the largest trash item…a nasty 5 gallon paint bucket sitting in the sand.

Penny and Emily...there's that nasty paint bucket. Good job girls!


Cade, Trevor and Kurtis

Tim...a man on a mission


Amanda and Evelyn...Bags are looking heavy!

Sonia multi tasking, cleaning, talking on the cell and looking cute

Sonia "Representing" She's wearing Sea Glass Jewelry from Mermaid's Purse..Nice!

Thank you soooooo much to all that helped. For myself, my bag got so heavy I couldn’t drag it anymore and asked a kind beach comber to toss it away for me.

I found a handful of Sea Glass most of which is usable for jewelry while cleaning. *TIP: look along the debris line to find Sea Glass also, not just the shore line.

Hermosa Beach Pier pylons

It was a glorious day and much was accomplished. Another thanks goes to the Earth Day Org. for bringing to the foreground that we must continue to be good stewards of the amazing possession we call Earth. This year is their 40th anniversary.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist, collector



Be sure to subscribe to Mermaid’s Purse to receive the newsletter and get the 5 part series

about Sea Glass.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Mermaid’s Purse

Sea Glass Jewelry

Join Me for an “
Act of Green
In celebration of
Earth Day

Sponsored By: Deborah Leon

Event: Hermosa Beach Clean Up Day/in conjunction with Earth Day Org.

Date: April 17, Saturday

Time: 9:00 a.m. til 12:00 p.m.

Location: Hermosa Beach Pier, Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach…We will meet at the statue in front of the pier



Mermaid’s Purse will provide trash bags and disposable gloves

Bring you own implement for picking up trash if you like, i.e. long tongs, stab sticks, grabbers

Pack a lunch and bring water…we will gather back at the pier to eat together and take pictures at Noon.

El Nino storms have washed ashore a lot of debris this year. The cities do a good job cleaning but as I have gone out looking for Sea Glass, there is still a lot of plastic and trash along the debris lines. This is a good opportunity to give back as we all are the recipients of enjoying time at the beach. Hope to see you there. :)

For questions or to RSVP contact:
Deborah Leon


Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sea Glass Jewelry gets nod from Coastal Creations & Design

Coastal Creations & Design

March 23rd, 2010

Big Write Up on Mermaid’s Purse

Sea Glass Jewelry

South Bay, California Girl gets Noticed

Coastal Creations & Design

Seaworthy Products for Those That Fancy the Sea

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Original Sea Glass Jewelry Creations by Daniel Renee & Deborah Leon

One of the great things about writing a blog like Coastal Creations and Design is the ability to attract wonderful folks that share the same common interests. As fate has it, we recently received a few favorable comments to a current post from two very talented artists, and both create exceptional sea-inpired jewelry from beach-combed sea glass. So I checked out their websites and Wah-lah! . . .the inspiration for another coastal creation. (See what writing a nice comment to our blog might bring you!)

Click : Coastal Creations & Design to read more.

It is a thrill to be recognized for my artwork in making Sea Glass Jewelry. Being paired up with Danielle Renee is most impressive and an honor. In this emerging niche of Sea Glass Jewelry which is very competitive, it’s great to be recognized with a stamp mark of quality.

Thank you to all my clients, followers and visitors. It’s fun sharing and creating for you.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sea Glass..The Right Drill Bits




Drilling Sea Glass for Jewelry is a knack but with the right drill bits that knack is made a little easier…in fact, a lot easier.


As you see in the pic, the shape may seem confusing to most of you. It’s not sharp and pointed at the end with graduated spiral edges. My drill bits are barrel shaped. WHY? We are grinding Sea Glass NOT cutting it.

Using this type of drill bit reduces the shattering of Sea Glass. The time to make a hole in the Sea Glass is much quicker also.


To get the cleanest and straightest dill holes, I always start with my smallest drill bit. It’s the size of a needle and is the one I use the most. After the 1st hole is made I graduate to the next drill bit til the desired size is achieved. Yes, it means changing the drill bits about 5 times….but that’s the nature of getting the best hole without cracking the Sea Glass.

When drilling your piece of Sea Glass, set it in the water with your piece of wood or sponge underneath ( be sure water covers the surface of Sea Glass ). Many use a marker to mark both sides of the Sea Glass to assure a straight line. I eyeball it unless the Sea Glass is so dark I can’t see through it.

Starting at a low speed ( #2 on my Dremel dial ) to minimize the vibrations, I drill 1/2 to 3/4 way through the Sea Glass, turn it over and drill from the other side.


Good lighting and glasses for safety are a MUST!

GOT QUESTIONS? SEND A COMMENT! I’ll answer your questions.


TO GET YOURS: Fill out form at top, right corner of this PAGE . SUBMIT…you’ll receive a confirmation email. CLICK the link….you’re on your way to the world of Sea Glass with Mermaid’s Purse.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Friday, March 12, 2010

Sea Glass Hunting & Making Friends

One of the best parts of looking for Sea Glass are the people I meet along the way. This Monday was no exception. After a few times you begin to recognize the other collectors, exchange names and compare finds.

Bruce appears to be a regular, a Manhattan Beach resident who walks the beach because it’s therapeutic for his back, and it turns out he and his wife are nutty for Sea Glass.

Tim Harris hit the jackpot finding a decent sized piece of cobalt blue Sea Glass.
Running into each other Tim just couldn’t contain his excitement and had to do a little show and tell about his cobalt blue find. His excitement infected me to being totally thrilled for him. Sooo…he agreed to a mini photo shoot. Sweet! Happy Hunting Tim, here’s to finding a Ruby of the Sea the next time. :)

Continuing my journey and picking up trash that has been tossed ashore by this years storms, I run into Moms playing with their kids, I offer trash bags and ask if they can do a little cleaning while playing. They are very obliging. (I always carry extra trash bags to hand out )

My last unexpected meet on this expedition was a delightful, sweet woman by the name of Robin. We talked about our finds, etc. and upon learning that I do this for my business she insisted that I take her finds and she hung out for a while to help me look for more Sea Glass. Robin…thank you…so generous and gracious. Enjoy the rest of Spring Break with your daughter and family.

Hunting for Sea Glass is so much more than just the find to make jewelry. It is the Sum and Total of the whole experience, delightful people, salty air, song of sea birds, the ebb and flow of the tide, wet feet, sun upon my face, cleaning my favorite place, and for a moment in time…being in communion with the creator of all creation.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sea Glass Drilling..Button or Sponge

So It may not be clear to every one why you would use a bowl with water for drilling Sea Glass…When I first heard of this, I was completely skeptical. Won’t I get an electric shock? Then I reflected to the days of home remodeling and my husband cutting tile in water. I reasoned…..I guess I’ll be okay.

The water reduces the heat from the friction of the drill bit and piece of Sea Glass. Keeping it cool is a must!

Wood Button Vs. Sponge.

These two tools are set in the water with the Sea Glass atop. This helps to reduce the impact of vibrations by absorbing much of it.

First I’ll start with the wood button when beginning the hole in the Sea Glass. It’s a firmer, more stable surface for starting the hole.

Then I’ll switch to the sponge to finish the job….it’s softer and absorbs more than the wood button.

Some pieces of Sea Glass shatter easier than others depending on the color of Sea Glass. I find the light blues are extremely sensitive to vibration and can shatter easily. This is such a bummer….the light blues are definitely in the rare category, hard to find and after getting almost to the end and holding your breath for it seems like an eternity just for it to shatter…..well….it doesn’t make for a happy artist. :(

Stay tuned as next I’ll talk about the Dremel. I love my Dremel!

If you haven’t yet, you need to get the Mermaid’s Purse Newsletter. It is filled with information about the world of Sea Glass. The 5 Part Series on Sea Glass is getting rave reviews. Only SUBSCRIBERS GET THIS , and it’s completely FREE.

Use the form at the top right corner of this page. Your a click away.

Be sure to confirm the email from Mermaid’s Purse. The Newsletters will start coming.

Til we gather again,

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Friday, March 5, 2010

Sea Glass, Mermaid's Purse talks about Drilling

Because you asked...Here it is!

Mermaid's Purse talks about Drilling Sea Glass

The second most asked question in my business after…where do I collect my Sea Glass? Is…..

How do I drill the Sea Glass?

In this Post we will start with the tools.

I have found that not all tools are created equal. In fact it took a lot of research, experimentation, practice and patience.


1. Hand Drill: I prefer the Dremel400 XPR, it is light weight, fits my hand well, has 5,000 – 35,000 RPM, 10 speed settings, can be used with a drill press if desired, has endless number of attachments for every job.

2. Collets of various sizes to accommodate the different size drill bits.

3. Drill bits for making holes in glass. This part is huge! You are not cutting Sea Glass, you are grinding Sea Glass. I tried the others that are shaped with a point and spiral (INFERIOR). I order my bits from a wonderfull company call Rio Grande item # 349016. You just have been given the biggest tip for drilling.:)

4. A container for water…most use a plastic container. I feel most comfortable with this shallow finger bowl. A piece of sponge or wooden button is what I use to set the Sea Glass on top of while drilling in the water.

5. Glasses for protection and fine visibility. Many recommend safety glasses or goggles with a larger shield…these make me uncomfortable. A pair of glasses with larger lenses work out just fine for me.

Just a reminder, the items listed are tweaked to my preference. You too may have to experiment.

Next post well start talking about how to use our tools.

I know you may have questions..please feel free to comment and I will respond.

If you haven’t yet, subscribe to Mermaid’s Purse Newsletter to get the 5 part series on Sea Glass. (upper right corner of this page)

Til then,

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Sea Glass Collection - West Winds



Mermaid’s Purse is adding a new collection called:


This line of Sea Glass Jewelry is meant to be more budget friendly so all Mermaids and Mermen can enjoy accessorizing with these incredible sea beauties.

I’ve heard over the past year how much someone loves my pieces but that it was a bit out of reach due to the fact that the existing collections are all set in sterling silver and many rare colors are used.

Sooo…I’m in process of designing pieces using leather and less sterling silver. I’ve been learning how to do Celtic braids and knots with leather. Looks very cool! The color of Sea Glass used will be the common and uncommon colors. None the less beautiful, just easier to find.

WEST WINDS….The name came about while watching the Olympics one evening with great friends and during commercial I asked my friends to throw out ideas for names. Several good suggestions but this is the one that stuck. Turns out it is the name given to a home in Manhattan Beach that my friends just inherited.

I love the name WEST WINDS!!! Makes sense too, seeing that the storms generated that bring Sea Glass to me are North Western, Western or South Western. So there you have it…The WEST WINDS Sea Glass Collection.

Designing and making right now…be watching for pics! You’ll be able to shop soon!

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sea Glass Find..Art Deco?

Today’s Find…A Queen’s Ransom

This piece of Sea Glass looks as though it is from a piece of jewelry..perhaps a brooch

The design looks Art-Deco to me…what do you think?

Posting this for my Sea Glass friends to help out too.


I screamed with excitement over the find, turning heads in my direction..not caring, I continued to talk aloud to myself. :)

Tracing the identification of this piece of Sea Glass will be very rewarding.

Send me your thoughts, I could use your help!

To all my Mermaid Friends....Happy Hunting!

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector



Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sea Glass Shard Contest



Amber Sea Glass Earrings/ Shell & Aquamarine Beads/ Sterling Silver Bali Sea Stars

SUBSCRIBE (Free) to Mermaid’s Purse News Letter for Details

( upper right hand corner of Home Page )

Start digging through your SEA GLASS STASH

to enter your favorite piece.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sea Glass, Coca-Cola & Mermaid's

This is one of the Sea Glass Treasures from this Mermaid’s stash…a remnant of a Coke Bottle face. I found it several years ago in South Bay, California. I won’t sell, give it away or make Sea Glass jewelry with it. It’s not perfect in terms of rating sea glass but it is a perfect find. It has it all…history, frostiness(some glassy spots but I like it this way), identification markers, you can see the hydration from the inside out. I haven’t traced this one yet…but I gave a similar one away that was manufactured in Oregon, was found in Hawaii, and a Hawaiian girly brought here to California. What a trek! Part of the fun of collecting Sea Glass. Sometimes it’s for making jewelry, other times it’s just plain treasure.

SUBSCRIBE (Free) to get your Mermaid’s Purse News Letter. There’s a CONTEST for the BEST SEA GLASS SHARD and a prize for the winner. Subscribe to get the details.
You could be the WINNER of these Sea Glass Earrings

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector