Welcome to Mermaid's Purse Blog. This is for all Mermaids on land or sea who Love, Love, Sea Glass. These translucent baubles are yesterdays items transformed to true treasures of the sea. The allure of Sea Glass is in the history, science and appearance. Check back often to learn as I learn about Sea Glass. We'll journey together over shores and time, tides and currents, searching for the perfect pieces. Fair Winds and Calm Seas. Deborah Leon.....artist/collector

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sea Glass Jewelry "Estate of Grace"

Mermaid’s Purse
Sea Glass Jewelry

Deep Treasure Brought Back To Life

Sea Glass Jewelry an “Estate of Grace”

Gracefully Reshaped, Resurfaced with frost and Re-purposed for New Life

As Fine Crafted Wearable Art

What was she before..how old could she be..from where could she have traveled

The Allure of Sea Glass is Irresistible!

Want One?

Need One?

Commissions Welcome



Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector
