Welcome to Mermaid's Purse Blog. This is for all Mermaids on land or sea who Love, Love, Sea Glass. These translucent baubles are yesterdays items transformed to true treasures of the sea. The allure of Sea Glass is in the history, science and appearance. Check back often to learn as I learn about Sea Glass. We'll journey together over shores and time, tides and currents, searching for the perfect pieces. Fair Winds and Calm Seas. Deborah Leon.....artist/collector

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas and Sea Glass





This month is dedicated to the things and people that make my life special at Christmas and all through the year. Besides the obvious like family and friends I am surrounded by unique, simple and wondrous things that make my life blessed.

My Favorite Baristas

Before heading out to do Sea Glass Hunting my 1st stop is Starbucks

to get a Mocha…not just a mocha…but a complicated delicious mocha.

These 3 cheerful baristas: Robert, Ricardo and Willa make my life special.

I know about them and they know about me, genuine caring and glad to see me.

They make life simple for anyone who picks up a mocha for me…you just need to ask for Deborah’s mocha…they know how it goes.

Thank You!!!!

Robert, Ricardo and Willa

Merry Christmas and God Bless You

Here it goes……



5 pump Mocha

Extra Hot

Stirred After the Milk


Check the Sea Glass Jewelry Gallery for new pieces for Christmas.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas,

Deborah Leon artist/collector


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